
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
ACCEPT THE MYSTERY 27 - The Ladykillers (1955) ft. Emily Towers
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Josh, Jackie and writer/director/complete sentence Emily Towers watch the British comedy classic The Ladykillers, released in 1955 and starring Alec Guinness. They also talk about weird Florida pets, nitpick the structural integrity of ladders, and learn which classical composer was terrified of Triscuits.

Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
ACCEPT THE MYSTERY 26: Poems, Plays & Shorts ft. Franco Pillsbury
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Today's episode is for the completists! Josh, Jackie and Franco Pillsbury watch the Coen Bros' short films "World Cinema" and "Tuileries," read some excerpts from Ethan Coen's play trilogy "Almost An Evening," and round things off with a smoky, jazzy poetry reading session from Ethan's poem collection The Day The World Ends. Plus deep thoughts on the afterlife!

Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Crosstalk (ft. The Internet)
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
This week Josh talks to himself for half an hour.

Thursday Feb 05, 2015
ACCEPT THE MYSTERY 25 - Inside Llewyn Davis ft. Christian Hand
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Josh and Jackie welcome musician and radio host Christian Hand to discuss the Coen Bros' wintry folk ballad Inside Llewyn Davis, starring Oscar Isaac. They also trade strategies for surviving in a stalled elevator, pick our favorite Katy Perry songs, and go deep on the nature of success.

Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
ACCEPT THE MYSTERY 24 - Fargo E07-8 ft. Ron Fassler
Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Josh and Jackie continue their epic rewatch of Fargo Season 1, with help from actor and writer Ron Fassler. They also discover how much a babysitting job would net you back in the day, learn who was set to play Marge when Fargo was first in TV development, and travel back to the far off year of 2013.

Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
ACCEPT THE MYSTERY 23 - Unbroken ft. AJ Berna
Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
It's ATM's first trip to the theater, as Josh, Jackie and writer and improviser AJ Berna check out the Jolie/Coen collabo Unbroken. They also muse on the feasibility of killing a shark bare-handed, listen to the music of Miyavi, and learn about ancient nude deathmatches.

Wednesday Jan 07, 2015
ACCEPT THE MYSTERY 22 - Fargo 4-6 ft. GJ Echternkamp
Wednesday Jan 07, 2015
Wednesday Jan 07, 2015
Josh and Jackie continue their breakdown of the first season of Fargo, joined by podcaster and “Frank and Cindy” director GJ Echternkamp. They also learn the true cost of a toilet bowl, meditate on man buns, and, for a few intense minutes, revisit Fargo the film.

Friday Jan 02, 2015
2014 In Music Pt. 3
Friday Jan 02, 2015
Friday Jan 02, 2015
Josh returns for a solo installment covering the rest of his 2014 yearbook list, plus some other scattered thoughts on the media and superintelligence. Tracks discussed this ep:

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
2014 In Music Pt. 2 w/ Christian Hand
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015

Wednesday Dec 31, 2014
2014 In Music Pt. 1 w/ Christian Hand
Wednesday Dec 31, 2014
Wednesday Dec 31, 2014
Kick 2014 out of your life and send it onto the streets with a bindle and a bottle of rum, by listening to Josh and SIRIUS XM's Christian Hand talk about the year in music. Tracks discussed in Installment One: